Glass Mosaic Backsplashes Are Stunning, But They Come With Some Big Disadvantages

Although a kitchen backsplash is meant to be a functional feature of the kitchen, many homeowners also want it to have aesthetic appeal. With many materials and designs to choose from, there are a lot of ways to make this part of your kitchen stand out while working to protect your walls from cooking grease, water, and the buildup of moisture. Among the many available choices, glass mosaic backsplashes have become a trendy option for the kitchen. Yet, they're not without their drawbacks.

Glass mosaic backsplashes look beautiful, reflect light wonderfully, and don't absorb water due to their nonporous surface. Since they reflect light so well, they can make your kitchen look larger, and many homeowners love that they're easy to clean and maintain. Because glass tiles are nonporous, they do a great job of resisting mold, mildew, and other types of bacteria.

On the other hand, glass mosaic backsplashes can be difficult to install and will usually require the help of a professional. Taking a DIY approach isn't wise since blunders can cause big issues in their appearance. Grouting them correctly is also more time-consuming and challenging than with ceramic tiles. These tiles can also get scratched easily, and fingerprints can show clearly on them, so it's important to be careful with them. Glass mosaic backsplashes are also on the expensive side. You'll need to pay approximately $7 to $30 per square foot in materials and approximately $32 per square foot in labor for installation.

Maintaining and cleaning glass mosaic backsplashes

If you already have a glass mosaic backsplash, you'll need to take care to maintain it well. Fortunately, understanding how to clean glass tiles is pretty straightforward. You'll simply need to use a mix of soap and water, water and vinegar, or a non-abrasive cleaner to freshen up the glass tile and make it look new again.

When cleaning glass tiles, however, you'll want to be careful that you don't overdo it. Although they're quite durable, cleaning glass tiles roughly and using abrasive cleaning solutions can lead to damage. Glass tiles are prone to scratching, so be careful when cleaning them.

Grout can also be damaged, so you'll want to clean it as gently as you can. Like with glass tiles, you'll need to apply a water and vinegar solution to the grout. You'll then need to let it sit for a few minutes before scrubbing it with a soft toothbrush. You can also use a standard grout cleaner. For tougher stains, you may want to add a paste made of baking soda and water to the grout beforehand before proceeding to clean it with water and vinegar.

The best alternative to glass mosaic backsplashes

There are many options to consider when choosing backsplash materials for your kitchen. Some of the most popular backsplash materials include ceramic, quartz, marble, granite, and laminates. If you're put off by the expense of glass mosaic tiles and their need for a professional installation, ceramic is a popular alternative to consider.

Ceramic works well for kitchen backsplashes because it's much more affordable than glass tile. There's a reason that ceramic is widely used for kitchen backsplashes. The material offers a large variety of styles and colors, and it's possible to personalize them in a way that's perfect for your kitchen. Some homeowners think that they're not as visually appealing as glass tiles, but this comes down to personal preference. Like glass tile, ceramic tile is also very durable and easy to maintain. Although a professional installation is ideal for both glass and ceramic tiles, ceramic tiles are much easier to install. Installing tile backsplash made of ceramic is likely to go well even if you're on your own.

It should be noted that ceramic tile is a bit more porous than glass tile, so it will absorb water a bit more. Glass tile has an absorbency rate of 0%, while ceramic tile has an absorbency rate of 0.5% to 3%. Despite this, the material's affordability and ease of installation make it well worth considering if you're on a budget but still want a backsplash that looks amazing.