Cleaning Products You Should Use With Caution In Your Kitchen

Everybody wants a clean kitchen, but sometimes, popular cleaning products are not the best thing to reach for.  In some cases, using heavily fragranced cleaners, vinegar, and all-purpose cleaner to get your kitchen sparkling can lead to issues either immediately or down the line. Though problems can happen with all cleaners, being careful is particularly important when it comes to natural ingredients like vinegar. Just because it doesn't contain tons of chemicals, doesn't mean it's okay to use vinegar on every surface and appliance in your kitchen. Plus, several cleaning products may contain more chemicals that you may think, which could cause negative repercussions for you, too.

Using a product that isn't suitable for your kitchen may lead to problems like scratches or long-term damage like dulling. Whether you're looking for something that will get your floor shining or a product that will keep your countertops gleaming, there are heaps of items to choose from that all promise a perfect shine. However, when it comes to cleaning your kitchen, you should be aware that the following picks may not be the right option.

Always be careful when using vinegar

Vinegar is often hailed as a great all-natural ingredient to use for cleaning, but you should actively avoid using it on hardwood floor due to its acidity, which could damage the finish of your floor. The popular cleaning ingredient should also not be used to wipe down natural stone countertops. This type of countertop is porous, and the acidic pH of vinegar could lead to issues like etching and a dull finish. 

However, because vinegar can be a versatile cleaning tool, you can use it to clean other areas so long as you dilute it in equal parts with water. Once diluted, you can clean your windows, cupboards, stovetop, sink, and even your walls with the vinegar solution, so it's definitely a good item to have in your home. However, keep in mind that, while vinegar is a good alternative to harsh cleaning products, it might not be strong enough to properly disinfect items like cutting boards that need to be sanitized well. In this case, it's best to reach for a disinfectant that contains bleach. 

Why to avoid some multi-surface or fragranced cleaners

Another product that you should be aware of is multi-surface cleaner. Though useful for cleaning oil and grease stains due to the alkaline pH most all-purpose cleaners have, using them for everything could be causing more harm than good.  You don't have to rule out this handy product altogether. Instead, opt for one that's pH neutral (most will say this on the packaging) to reduce the risk of damaging your kitchen surfaces and appliances. It's additionally important to know that this type of cleaner could also potentially be harmful to you. Many all-purpose cleaners contain ingredients like ammonia that can cause damage to your liver and kidneys as well as eye and skin irritation. Due to this, we recommend using them sparingly and in a well-ventilated room. 

Finally, you should always be careful when using products that contain artificial fragrances. Scented cleaners can lead to issues like difficulty breathing, particularly if you have asthma, skin allergies, and migraines. In the worst cases, being exposed to cleaners containing fragrance can have a negative impact on fertility and create more chance of a child having a birth defect. Looking for products that are scent-free will help keep you and your family safe.