Reach For These Secret Ingredients To Give Your Cast Iron Tub A Deep Clean

A cast iron tub can lend an elegant and stately look to your bathroom, particularly if it's a traditional design. Though it's important to keep your tub clean, using harsh and abrasive products on your cast iron tub could potentially damage it, leading to a dull look as well as visible scratches. That's where dishwasher detergent comes in. Using this type of detergent to clean your cast iron tub is the perfect solution. It may seem random, but this product, usually seen in the kitchen, will get your bathtub sparkling once more.

You should aim to clean your bathtub once a week, with occasional extra cleaning when you spot stains. This way, you'll be maintaining the look of your tub, not to mention that it's important to regularly clean items in your bathroom for hygiene reasons. The following cast iron cleaning trick will get your tub looking fresh and stain-free without the need for any specialist products.

Clean your tub with the following method for the best outcome

The first step to getting your cast iron tub looking new once again is to add warm water to your tub. Aim to fill the tub halfway or more so there's enough water for the detergent to dissolve in. Next, take your chosen dishwasher detergent and pour half a cup into the water. Use either a cloth or your hand to ensure the detergent dissolves equally and doesn't just stay in one spot. Leave the detergent to do its thing for around half an hour before draining the water. 

Take a soft cloth or non-abrasive sponge and gently wipe away any lingering soap residue from around the bath. It's important to choose a cloth that has no abrasion so you don't accidentally scratch your tub (this is the reason why you need a gentle cleaning agent, too). Though cast iron is durable, choosing gentle cleaners and cloths will help keep it in good condition. Finish either by wiping the tub dry or by letting it air-dry, whichever you prefer.

Banish stubborn stains with this pantry essential

If you're dealing with tough stains, reach for baking soda. It may seem like an unexpected way to use baking soda, but the subtle abrasiveness of this pantry staple is ideal for removing marks. If you proceed with caution, you shouldn't cause any harm to the cast iron construction of your tub. Mix together equal parts water and baking soda until a paste-like consistency has been achieved. Carefully put the paste on any obvious stains in your tub, making sure you apply a generous amount. Leave the paste for around fifteen minutes. When time is up, take another soft cloth, dampen it, and work in the paste briefly until any stains are no longer visible.

Remove all of the paste with the cloth and then rinse the entire bathtub out with water to ensure no residue is left behind. We recommend using hot water to kill any leftover germs. As long as you're careful when cleaning, a combination of dishwasher detergent, baking soda, and water will get your tub sparkling again without the risk of any scratches. If you're worried about using the above items on your tub, we recommend doing a simple spot test in a tucked-away corner of your bath before proceeding.