The Genius Way You Should Be Using The Side Of Your Kitchen Cabinet

A household command center is essential in a home because you have everything you need in one place. Mail, bills, calendars, and other things concerning your family activities can be stored there for easy reference. Command centers can be set up at the entryway so they are easy to see as you go in and out, or they can be set up in the living room or kitchen since those are the most used areas. A little wall space and a small table are typically all you need, but the end panel of your top kitchen cabinet can be a much more space-efficient solution.

This overlooked part of the cabinet is a good spot to turn into the go-to place for your family in terms of organization. It's conveniently located because it is in a high-traffic area of the house where everyone is bound to pass through. It is also a more limited space when compared to an open wall or table, which can be a blessing in disguise because it will help to prevent clutter and the storage of unnecessary items in your command center. Some cabinets already include end panel doors and shelves so all you need to do is set up the necessary organizational tools there. If you don't already have that feature, there are various ways to modify the end panel of a kitchen cabinet so it can serve this purpose.

Creating a command center

One way to turn your end panel into a command center is to use it just like you would a wall space. You can fix and glue cork boards, storage baskets, calendars, and anything else for your command center that can fit in that space. The main thing to consider with this method is how to securely adhere those materials to the surface of the cabinet. For example, command strips can be used on wood for a paper or plastic calendar while magnetic strips can hold keys and other metal objects. Take a tip from this hack for storing pot and pan lids and use command hooks for items that you prefer to hang up. With this method, it'll be easy to move things around or take them all down whenever you need to switch up the command center.

Another option is to make more permanent additions. This often includes drilling mini shelves, a door (though there's no reason why your command center can't remain open) bars, or hooks to the surface so you have a much more secure and set place for your things. You can choose to make any of these structures yourself or buy them ready-made and then install them. Depending on the size of your panel, the IKEA BEKVÄM spice rack can be a good tool to hold tiny organizers of pens and other stationery. It costs just $6.99 at the time of writing and comes in solid wood so it can be painted to match your cabinets.