Pinterest Predicts This Unexpected Design Trend To Take Over Cabinets In 2024

When it comes to redesigning your kitchen, there are a ton of different things to consider. Beyond the countertops, the most profound feature of any kitchen is the cabinetry. In 2024, we are saying goodbye to a lot of kitchen cabinet trends, including all-white options and monochromatic gray. Instead, Pinterest predicts that designers and homeowners alike will be gravitating towards natural materials for cabinetry, like rattan and cane.

This push towards natural materials has been inching back into the design realm for a few years now, with many designers adding textures to their decor by adding rattan furniture items, lamp shades, and baskets. Now, we are seeing it used even more, creating full kitchens with the look — leading to natural, warm kitchens that are just as gorgeous as they are inviting. If you want to add more natural elements to your kitchen, rattan or cane are both great cabinetry options. Here's what to consider before revamping your kitchen.

What to consider with natural cabinetry

Adding in earthy, natural tones doesn't just mean increasing your houseplant collection. In fact, greenery is just one way to make your home feel more natural. Adding materials like rattan and cane can instantly give a modern, cold house an influx of warmth. The best part about these materials is that they seamlessly blend into most current styles. If your kitchen is white and modern, adding rattan cabinets will make things feel a bit more industrial while adding it to a wood-focused kitchen will give it texture and make the space feel more rustic.

Plus, natural cabinetry doesn't just have to be limited to your kitchen. Adding furniture pieces that feature rattan doors can elevate your space without doing any renovation. Look for a TV stand with rattan or cane cabinets for a boho vibe, or opt for a rattan storage cabinet in your living space to keep toys, blankets, or other miscellaneous items.

Pros of adding rattan or cane to your interior design

Not only do natural elements like rattan and cane up your design, but they also carry other benefits. These materials are lightweight and usually much easier to handle than heavier materials. This is great if you're choosing to redo your cabinets yourself or hoping to move out some bulky furniture items. Rattan is also easy to maintain, requiring a simple duster or damp cloth to clean. In your kitchen, you don't have to worry about liquids or dirt ruining your rattan cabinets, as a simple towel can wipe away any mess you may encounter.

Quite possibly the best part of using rattan in your cabinetry is that it's a sustainable option. As we make the move towards more eco-friendly homes, we need to start looking at all aspects of our home renovations, including the design. Choosing a material like rattan is better for the environment and will last for years and years to come.