The Floor Maintenance Mistake That's Attracting Maggots To Your Home

When it comes to your home, there are few things that can stop you in your tracks quite like the sight of maggots. Finding the squiggly creatures in your living space can upset the strongest of stomachs. While everyone wants to guard against maggots breeding in their home, it can be easy to overlook some necessary household tasks that help keep them out. A simple thing like not cleaning your floors often enough can attract maggots to your home, but a consistent cleaning routine can help get rid of these pests for good.

Sometimes it's not the maggots we see at first, but a sudden swarm of buzzing flies that seem to have popped up out of nowhere. Then as you start to look around, you may find a few or even worse, hundreds of wriggling maggots on the floor feasting on forgotten crumbs, old food, and spills. Maggots are the larvae of many fly species. They look like little worms, have no legs or wings, and are typically white with pointed heads and no visible eyes. As they mature, they may turn gray or black and harden slightly. Maggots thrive in warm, moist environments with plenty of food, typically found in decaying organic matter. This is why it's important to keep your floors free from leftover food and crumbs.

Why maggots are drawn to dirty floors

Let's face it, we all have an occasional food spill here and there, but these seemingly insignificant crumbs can easily become a feast for flies — which is why the kitchen is often the spot where maggots appear and thrive. They are attracted by the scent of decomposing food and lay eggs that hatch into maggots. The more food readily available on your floor, the more attractive it becomes to them. Of course, some remnants of food fall from kitchen trash cans and pet food bowls, which also tend to have a strong scent that attracts flies.

Maggots can hide underneath appliances, cabinets, and furniture, where crumbs and spills might go unnoticed. Another hiding spot is under the lid or in the rim of a garbage can where food particles get trapped. Drains are another attraction for them, since food scraps and organic matter can build up to create a breeding ground. Surprisingly, overripe or damaged produce is another draw.

How to clean floors to prevent maggot infestations

The good news is that preventing maggot infestations is relatively simple. Regular cleaning, including sweeping and mopping, removes food sources and reduces hiding places for flies and maggots. Sweep the floor regularly. How often you sweep depends largely on how many people live with you, how often you cook or are at home, and whether you have pets. This can range from once a day to once a week. Food spills should be swept up immediately. Next, mop with an antibacterial solution to eliminate all scents of leftover food. One household cleaner that can wipe out maggots is Pine-Sol. You want to not only remove all crumbs and food fragments, but you also want to leave no traces of any food scent on your floors. Aim to deep clean your kitchen once a month.

Beyond floors, wipe down all counters and tables using a disinfectant to stamp out food remnants and scents. In addition, empty the trash regularly and ensure bins have tight-fitting lids to further eliminate potential breeding grounds. Keep produce in bins that are airtight rather than leaving it out on kitchen shelves. Store pet food properly in sealed containers. Lastly, seal entry points and use screens on windows and doors to keep flies from entering in the first place.