The Unexpected Medicine That'll Get Your Thermos Sparkling Clean

While thermoses are super convenient and allow you to bring hot drinks and food on the go, they are often difficult to clean. Because these containers are typically long and thin, fitting your hand and a sponge inside to clean the bottom might not be possible. Surprisingly, Alka-seltzer is a great tool for cleaning your thermos. This common over-the-counter medication contains sodium bicarbonate, known as baking soda, and anhydrous citric acid, which are common ingredients in cleaners. Rather than struggling as you wash the dishes, you can let these fizzy tablets do all the work.

If you're concerned this Alka-Seltzer cleaning hack won't be enough to kill the germs from saliva or leftover foods sitting in your thermos, a study originally published in Veterinary Microbiology found that citric acid has disinfectant properties. Alka-Seltzer's ingredients are also considered safe since they are meant to be consumed, and the medicine is rather inexpensive. If you can't find name-brand Alka-seltzer, store brands that contain the same ingredients will work just as well.

Why Alka-Seltzer can clean your thermos

It may seem counterintuitive to use an antacid with aspirin to wash your thermos, but Alka-Seltzer could actually help you thoroughly clean the hard-to-reach areas of these reusable containers. Not only can citric acid act as a disinfectant, but sodium bicarbonate is antimicrobial. Additionally, baking soda is a little alkaline, which can help get rid of oils and grime when combined with water, and it's slightly abrasive, which can aid in scrubbing the interior of your thermos. If your thermos has a lingering smell, the sodium bicarbonate in Alka-Seltzer will also deodorize it.

When anhydrous citric acid and baking soda are combined with water, they will fizz vigorously. This chemical reaction will also aid in cleaning, as the fizzing motion will essentially rub the ingredients around your thermos. While Alka-Seltzer does contain aspirin, this shouldn't disrupt the cleaning process, but it also won't make your thermos any cleaner.

How to get your thermos sparkling clean with Alka-seltzer

Cleaning with Alka-Seltzer is extremely simple and will probably be easier than trying to wash your thermos by hand. Start by filling your thermos with water and placing it in your sink to avoid any spills. Now, just drop a few of the Alka-Seltzer tablets into your thermos. If it's particularly dirty, you can use about four of the tablets. They should begin to react with the water and fizz quickly, but allow the tablets about 10 minutes to totally dissolve.

Once your thermos has stopped bubbling, dump out the Alka-Seltzer and thoroughly rinse it. While this method will clean the inside of your thermos, you may still need to wash the exterior and the lid with soap and water. Additionally, Alka-Seltzer can clean your water bottles, travel mugs, or other tall, narrow cups that are difficult to wash. With just this over-the-counter medicine and water, you'll be able to keep your thermos and other dishes clean and ready to use again.