Naturally Deter Pests From Your Bulbs This Spring With A Clever Gardening Tip

Have you ever caught yourself smiling while looking at a gorgeous patch of colorful tulips or daffodils? They are stunning and sure can make a landscape pop with joyful color. It's scientifically proven that flowers can make you feel happy. In particular, bulb flowers are quite delightful and are a common blossoming plant in the spring and summertime. Most perennial varieties have similar growing requirements, like exposure to full sun and well-drained soil. But these beauties do come with a few setbacks, particularly when it comes to pests. Unfortunately, there's a high probability that rodents will discover and attempt to devour your bulbs.

One sign you have a rodent problem is if your bulbs never emerge. This usually means burrowers such as voles, mice, and gophers have gotten ahold of them underground. You might notice hints of a critter that has been digging, which might suggest that a squirrel or chipmunk is nearby, as they also like to eat bulbs. But there's a way to deal with this pesky problem that involves a little bit of labor and switching up your landscape design. Turns out that creating a rock wall near your flower beds will attract a well-known predator that will guard your beloved bulbs throughout the season — the slithering and somewhat intimidating-looking snake.

Garter snakes help control rodents

Snakes get a bad rap. But from an objective perspective, a great number of them are relatively harmless. In particular, garter snakes are non-venomous and can actually help your garden thrive. There are 35 different species of them that eat slugs, ants, and snails, as well as rodents such as mice, chipmunks, and moles. This can make them particularly beneficial when it comes to getting rid of the worst garden pests in your flower garden and is a prime example of working with nature instead of against it.

It is not uncommon to hear about skilled gardeners creating an ideal habitat near their flowers and crops that will attract these good snakes for the sake of pest control. The technique usually entails creating a large rock pile where garter snakes like to hang out. Garter snakes like to make dens under large rocks, which creates a safe space for them to hide for months on end. And if you happen to have more time on your hands along with the financial resources needed, creating a rock wall around your garden will provide the same benefits and look visually appealing as well.

Create a rock wall near your flower bed to attract snakes

If you go this snake route, it's important that the rock wall is done right so that all the stones are secure and stay in place. There are several types of stone walls that could look amazing in your yard but they take a little bit of planning and skill to construct. If you choose to dry-stack your rocks, make sure the first layer of stones is firmly embedded in the ground so there's a solid foundation in place. You can do this by digging a space for the rocks in the ground and backfilling the area with dirt. The largest and flattest rocks should go on the bottom — then go ahead and stack up your other rocks. You can use different sizes and shapes – stones, pebbles, and gravel — for visual appeal. Keep in mind that when it comes to smaller rocks, garter snakes do not like lava rocks and prefer river rocks.

The landscaping technique might be somewhat intimidating to a beginner, so it is wise to hire a landscaper to help out. Once your rock wall is built near your bulb flowers, garter snakes will likely follow. The rocks can create an overwintering habitat, too, so the snakes will be drawn to the warmth the stones provide. And beyond protecting your beloved flowers, your rock wall could create curb appeal, as well.