Andrea Marvin

Photo of Andrea Marvin
Humboldt County, California
Colorado State University
Sustainable Gardening, Healthy Food Systems, Green Living
  • Andrea worked at CBS and NBC affiliates nationwide and won an Emmy for her storytelling as a Special Projects Reporter in South Florida.
  • She produced short documentary stories in Northwestern California that focus on Native American Tribes leading the way in climate action initiatives such as sustainable food systems.
  • She has led successful digital marketing campaigns focused on local food production, composting methods, and different gardening techniques (such as incorporating high tunnels for an extended growing season and using companion planting as a natural way to deter pests).


Andrea Marvin is a freelance writer based in far Northern California with over two decades of writing and media production experience. Her work focuses on sustainable living, environmental topics, and healthy food systems. She is passionate about spreading awareness about informative subjects and helping people live their best lives. Andrea has always been curious about gardening and the grow your own food movement, so naturally, informing people about different gardening and agricultural methodologies became part of her work. She has been involved in grant-based projects focused on creating local food systems, expanding community garden initiatives, and native plant restoration along creeks and river systems. Prior to freelancing, Andrea was a reporter for over a decade and worked at television stations across the country in locations such as California, New York, South Florida, and Illinois. She has been recognized by the Society of Professional Journalists and the Associated Press. Andrea loves to travel, hike, and spend time in her home garden in her free time. Her leafy greens are looking glorious!


Andrea earned a Bachelor's in journalism and communications from Colorado State University.
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Stories By Andrea Marvin