Here's The Trick To Keeping Your Pink Philodendron Bright And Vibrant

Pink philodendrons are beloved houseplants, and their distinctive variegated leaves make them must-haves for many plant lovers. Red-leaf philodendrons (Philodendron erubescens), like the pink and green variegated Pink Princess cultivar, can bring a year-round tropical flair to your house. However, it's crucial to care for these unique plants properly. To do so, make sure your pink philodendrons live up to their full show-stopping potential by giving them the right amount of light to thrive. They need bright indirect light to look their best but also shouldn't be given too much sunlight, as this could have negative consequences.

Variegated philodendron varieties that make for beautiful houseplants like Pink Princess and Joepii are notoriously expensive, but their distinctive appearances and rarity make those hefty price tags understandable. Well-cared-for philodendrons can often live for decades, providing years of beauty. While your Pink Princess philodendron's leaves will likely turn green as they mature, new leaves should continue to have the pink and green variegation the plant is known and loved for. By meeting your pink philodendron's needs for bright indirect light, moderate fertilizing, and gentle watering, your house plant should continue to reward you with improved air quality and stunning beauty for years to come.

How to ensure your pink philodendron gets the right amount of sunlight

While philodendrons can grow well in low light conditions, low light often causes variegated philodendron varieties including the Pink Princess to lose their distinctive colors and grow plain green leaves. To help your pink philodendrons stay pink, give them at least six hours a day of bright, indirect light. On the other hand, if your philodendron's leaves begin to turn yellow or look burned, this could be a sign that the light your plant is receiving is too intense. A southern-facing window with a sheer curtain is an ideal way to give your plant bright but gently-diffused light. On the other hand, if you don't have a bright window in your home, you could add a grow light above your philodendron.

Further, besides placing your plant in the right amount of sunlight, one of the easiest ways to keep your pink philodendrons looking vibrant is to simply remember to clean their leaves. Philodendrons, like most houseplants, can become dusty, and they benefit from being gently wiped off with a microfiber cloth. Dusting your plant off doesn't just make your philodendron look better; it also helps your plant photosynthesize more easily, as it's exposed to more sunlight. If your plant's leaves are dusty, it won't be able to receive as much light and won't grow to be as bright and vibrant. By dusting your plant's leaves, both your plant and your air quality will thank you.

Other issues that may be making your philodendron less vibrant

While a pink philodendron that isn't receiving enough light may lose its variegation, overhead watering is bad for your plants and can cause far more serious problems. Bacterial leaf spot and bacterial blight can both wreak havoc on philodendrons, leading to large brown discolorations on the leaves and rotting. The best way to avoid these issues is to avoid getting water onto your philodendron's leaves. Water your philodendron only when the top half of the soil has dried out, and be sure you aren't splashing water onto the leaves. Remove any infected leaves to prevent bacterial problems from spreading.

Additionally, philodendrons can benefit from a balanced all-purpose houseplant fertilizer, but remember that too much fertilizer can be too much of a good thing. In the spring and summer, you can fertilize once a month with a diluted mixture; in the fall and winter, you can fertilize every six weeks instead. The leaves of over-fertilized philodendrons often begin to turn brown on the edges and curl down. Your plant's roots may start to die back as well. If you believe you have over-fertilized your pink philodendron, you may want to repot it with fresh soil.