Where Is The Right Place To Put A Fish Tank In Your Home?

Aquariums are a sight to behold. They are living works of art filled with color. Having a fish tank in your home is not just a visual treat, some studies have found it improves a person's mood. While this information may tempt you to put a tank in every room (some people do), it's important to know that some locations are better than others. You can enjoy a happier and healthier fish tank by putting it in the right place, which is best determined by noise and activity level.

Like every living creature, fish have specific needs and preferences. Knowing those makes it easier to maintain a fish tank. Fish are sensitive to loud sounds and vibrations, so placing their tank where it will experience limited noise and movement is the key to a thriving aquarium. Though you'll want to keep fish where you are the most active during the day, you should still consider what they will endure. Try to anticipate a particular room's volume and traffic — by carefully assessing the space with fish in mind, you can choose the best spot for your tank. 

Quiet rooms are best

Fish are known to swim away from loud and deep sounds. It's a defense mechanism that protects them from predators in the wild. Your fish don't know you aren't a predator or that the sounds you make aren't dangerous, so regardless of your disposition, they may live in hiding. It can be disappointing to have a seemingly empty tank; that's why decreasing noise and placing your aquarium in a quiet spot is best. When your fish are comfortable in their surroundings, they will swim more freely and socialize, depending on their species. Avoid placing them near televisions or sound systems, which are loud with disruptive sound waves that vibrate through a tank.

High foot traffic and thin walls also cause disruptive vibrations that startle fish. When selecting a place for a fish tank, imagine what a typical day might look like in that spot. Does the floor shift as you walk on it? If so, the creaking boards may send vibration waves into the tank. If you want to place the tank against a wall, consider what's on the other side. Is there anything that may shake the wall? Keep in mind that fish perceive vibrations much more intensely than we do. Vibrations that are insignificant to you can be quite scary to fish.

Aquariums are beautiful centerpieces for any room

There's no optimal type of room for your fish tank; the conditions are what's most important. Fish keepers are known to have as many tanks as they can afford to set up and maintain. Living rooms are a popular choice because it's where most of us spend the majority of our time. You can see the fish and they can see you. While many have televisions in their living rooms, that doesn't automatically rule it out as a prime location. Try to find a spot that receives the lowest amount of noise. 

If your living room is too active, you may prefer placing an aquarium in your home office or bedroom. These rooms are typically quieter and receive less foot traffic. Many fish enthusiasts enjoy having them in their offices. Not only do they provide companionship during a long work day, but they also offer a relaxing break for your eyes after looking at a screen for hours on end, which can be harmful. 

To read more about home aquariums, check out tips on cleaning your fish tank.