Sowing Clover Lawn Seeds? Here's Why You Should Keep A Bag Of Kitty Litter Nearby

Clover lawns have started to gain popularity because of their benefits, such as attracting pollinators, adding nitrogen to the soil, requiring less water to grow, and not needing to be mowed as much as grass does. If you want to add some clover to your grass lawn or are trying to maintain a lawn that is entirely made up of clover, you should grab a bag of cat litter. Turns out, a basic bag of kitty litter will not only help you establish clover in your lawn, but it can keep that clover looking its best.

Though you might think twice before creating a clover lawn in your backyard because this plant can be invasive and spread, properly sowing clover is a good way to ensure the seeds stay where you want them. By mixing kitty litter in with your seeds, you'll have an easier time dispersing the clover seeds and growing this low-maintenance plant in your lawn.

Why kitty litter is helpful for sowing clover seeds

Because clover seeds can be so small, it can also be difficult to see where you are spreading them. This could cause you to accidentally spread too many seeds in one area, while neglecting another. If you're just trying to add a little clover sporadically throughout your grass, it may be difficult to evenly spread the seeds without combining them with something else. While some people may put oats, cracked corn, or wheat to bulk up their grass seed or clover seed mixes, these could end up germinating. On the other hand, cat litter will not cause another plant to grow. Instead, it makes it easier to see where you have spread the seeds, and since there is more material being spread, the seeds will end up further apart.

The kitty litter will help provide better coverage so you can ensure your clover is growing where you want. This is just one way you can use kitty litter to help your plants thrive. Additionally, spreading the seeds on their own could attract hungry birds that snatch them up before your clover has had a chance to start growing. The cat litter additive can curtail this issue and help keep your clover seeds undisturbed before they germinate.

How to sow clover lawn seeds with kitty litter

To start sowing clover in your lawn, you'll want to mix one part of your seeds with one part cat litter first. If you're making your lawn all clover, you'll need approximately 2 ounces of seeds for every 1,000 square feet. Make sure to combine your seeds and litter thoroughly so that the seeds are spread throughout the entire mixture, rather than letting the seeds group together at the top or bottom. You may also want to research what seeds to buy when starting a clover lawn for the best results, so that you're certain the type of clover you're choosing is right for your yard.

Once your seeds are ready, make sure your lawn has been mowed short and cleared of all debris. Add your seed and litter mixture to a spreader, ensure the spreader is on the slowest release setting, and begin sowing your seeds throughout your lawn. It may be helpful to do the edges first and then apply seeds to the rest of your yard. The kitty litter should make it easy to tell where you've already been and how much of the mixture is coming out of the spreader at once. With just a little kitty litter, sowing clover seeds will be a breeze.