The Sneaky Way Snakes Are Finding Their Way Into Your Toilet

Many people are understandably afraid of snakes, so the thought of opening your toilet's lid to find one relaxing in the bowl can be truly petrifying. While there are several ways snakes can end up inside toilets — such as falling from the plumbing vent on your roof, slithering up from the sewer, or getting caught in your septic tank — the sneakiest ones gained access to your bowl by already being inside your house. Maybe they got in through a crack in a window frame or a hole in your basement. Once inside, any small cracks around your toilet could give the snake an entry point. They're attracted to water since it can provide sustenance and safe shelter. Because of that, if you have a snake at home, they're likely to find your toilet a comfortable place to hide.


Luckily, you can prevent snakes from slithering into your toilet with one simple trick. By sealing any cracks around your toilet with caulk, you can make it more difficult for them to get inside when the lid is shut. While this will keep snakes out of your toilet, you may want to look into how they're getting into your home in the first place. Consider checking your foundation for issues, and contact a professional to remove any live snakes that have ended up in your toilet.

Why snakes slither into your toilet

It may seem strange that snakes want to get inside your home, and you might be wondering what it means if a snake is in your toilet. Often, this behavior is due to their physical needs. Snakes cannot regulate their own body temperatures, so when it's hot outside, they often seek out a dark place to cool off. This makes your toilet a perfect spot, but there could be other reasons snakes are entering your home.


If you happen to live in a more rural setting, there may be lots of easy prey, like mice, nearby. This gives the snakes a consistent food source, and they may turn to your home for sources of water and shelter. In these conditions, the snake has everything it needs when it stays by your home. By sealing up any crevices that lead into your home and making sure your toilet is secure, you can keep them out of your house and get your peace of mind back when you head to the bathroom. 

Sealing your toilet to prevent snakes

Where your toilet connects to the floor, inspect the area for any crevices or cracks. "Snakes can get into your home through the smallest of openings. So, it's important to seal any cracks or gaps around your bathroom inside and out," Jennifer Mecham, a snake expert with Reptiles Blog, explained to Best Life. If you notice that the seal is wearing away or broken, it's likely time to replace the caulk around your toilet.


Start by peeling off the cracked caulk that's already there and cleaning the floor. This will help ensure a good seal with no debris in the way. With a waterproof caulk that's designed for plumbing, use your caulking gun to make a thin layer around the base of your toilet. Now, use a caulking tool to smooth the substance. Alternatively, you could put on a glove or wrap your finger with a baby wipe to smooth the caulk. Check your bathroom for any other areas where snakes could be sneaking inside, and seal those as well.

