Here's How Often You Really Need To Wash Your Comforter

Your cozy comforter needs to be washed once in a while, but how often depends on a few things. If you're using your comforter with a cover, much like a pillowcase for pillows, you'll cut down on washing frequency. Using a top sheet in between you and your comforter also keeps it cleaner, as noted by The New York Times.


A few things are making your comforter dirty, especially if you're not using a comforter cover to protect it. Body oils and sweat get on all of your bedding as you sleep at night, and if you have pets, dander and fur are also common. There's also the usual household dust. Covers protect your comforter from dirt and allergens.

The cover of your comforter is the only part that will need regular cleaning unless you get something wet on it, for those of you using comforter covers. In that case, you'll want to wash both. Otherwise, these tips will help you keep your comforter fresh.

When and how to wash your comforter

There are many great benefits to investing in a comforter cover, according to Martha Stewart. Not only does a cover protect your comforter from dirt and allergens, but it will help extend the life of the fabric by keeping body oils off of it. Of course, if you have a fancy comforter with beautiful designs, you may not want to cover it up.


If you're using a cover, you can wash the cover each week when you wash the rest of your bedding. If you don't use a cover, there are a few things to consider. Wash your uncovered comforter every couple of months if you're using a sheet in between. If you eat in bed or have pets that hang out in the bed, you may want to wash the comforter more often.

Washing your comforter is as easy as following the directions on the care tag, but you want to be sure it will fit in your washing machine. If your machine isn't big enough, take your comforter to the laundromat. It's also important to completely dry your comforter after you wash it. This will help keep it from getting any mold or bacteria growing inside. Your best bet is to dry it in a dryer for speed and thoroughness.


