25 Indoor Herb Ideas That Will Make You Want To Have A Year-Round Garden

If your idea of herbs is the grayish-brown bits from jars purchased at the grocery store, we need to talk. If you garden and sow the odd parsley or basil plant next to your vegetables, you may have an inkling of the unparalleled flavor and zest herbs bring to the table, kitchen, laundry, bathroom, bedroom, and formal rooms. 


If you're unfamiliar with fresh herbs, prepare to be amazed! Living herbs have a place in just about every part of your home (via Fix). And with some creative thinking and inspired placement, there are myriad ways to add fragrance, freshness, and visual appeal to any interior.

We should mention that just because a plant is natural doesn't automatically mean it's safe. Many herbs can be eaten raw or cooked, but do a little research before adding any plant to your food. Also, herbs can be toxic to dogs and cats including chives, garlic, oregano, and mint, per the Sunny Botanist. Before you add herbs or any plant to your indoor space, keep in mind your pets may be drawn to fragrant leaves or stems that if chewed, can upset their health. Other than that, let's go for the greenery.


1. Kitchen pots

Use 2 1/2-inch to 4 1/2-inch pots and place an herb garden along a sunny windowsill in the kitchen. One plant per pot makes a striking array. Be sure the pot has a hole in the bottom for good drainage. Grow herbs you can use in recipes just by snipping a few fresh leaves. Basics? We got you.


2. Grow a pot of parsley

How to decide which herbs you want to use in the kitchen and beyond? The most basic but versatile herb around may be parsley. These mini-trees with their lacey branches are perfect for garnishing bland-looking plates. Additionally, parsley is the star of dishes like tabbouleh and pesto, and also can be used in tossed salads.


3. Cultivate chives

Think of chives as mini-onions with their dense, dark-green stalks that look like fat grass. Add chives to hot or cold eggs, potatoes, and steamed vegetables. Keep a patch of it by the back door or mudroom if the space is sunny, and let its slightly lemony, acidic aroma freshen the air.


4. Plant thyme

Versatile and savory, thyme comes in flavors including lemon, lime, caraway, and more. Thyme grows vertically, but will also drape down the sides of a pot. Great in egg salad, especially when fresh, thyme also enlivens hash, stews, and soups. Tuck sprigs of thyme into folded cloth napkins for a touch of woodsy fragrance.


5. Grow rosemary

Rosemary has a much more pronounced flavor in the kitchen that some liken to pine. Its spiky dark green needle-like leaves are good with roasted meats. And rosemary's strong, clean, distinct odor is helpful in other parts of the house such as the laundry room and bathroom.


6. Another great indoor herb: sage

Should rosemary be too stringent or overpowering, think about an alternative herb such as sage. Sage also has plenty of flavor and is most often used with poultry dishes from chicken to turkey. It's often included in Thanksgiving stuffing, too. Sage is also a beautiful, silvery-green plant that compliments cut flower arrangements.


7. Up your herb game with basil

Like most herbs, fresh basil is good dried but magnificent when it's fresh. Add leaves to pizza before baking, to simmering tomato sauce, or chop it super fine to create pesto for bruschetta or soup. You can also pop fresh basil into club soda, adding lime and ice for a refreshing summer beverage.


8. Get whimsical with recycled pots

Terra cotta pots are a place to start, but there's no limit to the containers to house herbs along your windowsill. As long as there's good drainage, your herbs will thrive in anything from soup cans to hand-thrown ceramics, antiques, or miss-matched containers. Have fun with a classic or whimsical look to enhance your space.


9. Bigger and bolder

A variation of herbs in a windowsill is a series of larger pots near a patio door or balcony, or hanging out in the corner of the kitchen. Mix and match your favorites, planting various herbs in one pot together or side by side in a variety of pots for one delicious indoor herb garden.


10. A hanging garden

Herbs love full sun exposure and thrive in as much light as you can get them. Just be sure they don't dry out. Hang pots in a window, securing the containers from the ceiling or a sturdy curtain rod. With very little maintenance, many herbs will train or cascade from the pot, creating a curtain-like effect.


11. A floating garden

Take cuttings from herbs like marjoram, mint, lavender, sage, and oregano. Strip away lower leaves so only the stems are in the water. Keep the water fresh, and in a bit, you'll have roots. Use the "floating" herbs in a large clear-glass garden dish. Add floating tea lights for an elegant centerpiece.


12. Personal place settings

At your next dinner party, fill small vases with fragrant rooted or cut herbs such as mint, lavender, lemon thyme, or silvery sage. Line each vase up parallel to the napkin for a dazzling display of creativity. Best of all, give each small vase or pot to your guests as a parting gift.


13. Up the wall

If your place lacks roomy windowsills, try a vertical approach. Pick a sunny spot and add a rack to fit multiple plants for greenery, easy-to-grow vegetables, like lettuce and zucchini, and of course fresh herbs. Plant herbs that drape, like mint and oregano at the top, and herbs with structure like rosemary or lavender at the bottom.


14. Infuse olive oil

Snip your fresh herbs and add these sprigs of pure flavor, such as rosemary, basil, or thyme into resealable bottles filled with olive oil to create a unique culinary experience. Be sure the snips are completely clean before infusing. For maximum flavor keep in a cool, dark place for about two weeks before using.


15. Infuse kitchen staples

Similar to oil infusion, you can add fresh or dried herbs to create savory condiments like chive or dill butter, and herb salt with rosemary or lemon thyme. Add basil, mint, or lavender to sugar and blend in a food processor. Sprinkle onto fruit salad, add to iced tea, or use it in baked goods.


16. Go the hydroponic route

We'd be remiss if we skipped this more scientific approach to growing and using herbs throughout your house. Hydroponic grow kits are readily available online and in some high-end kitchen stores. If your space lacks an abundance of natural light you can still grow perfectly delicious and beneficial herbs with this kind of equipment.


17. Use herbs as fragrance

Let's face it: Some rooms are stinkier than others -– bathrooms, laundry, and mudrooms come to mind. Think about adding a pot of fragrant herbs including lavender, mint, and lemongrass to offset the odors that collect in utilitarian rooms. Pot fresh plants, or grow, cut, and hang drying stems strategically, bringing a fresh "breeze" into rooms.


18. Cultivate lovely lavender

Of all the fragrant herbs on the planet, lavender may be the best of all for relaxation. Tall stems, with tiny buds running along the spine, invoke not just the name but the color. Simply brush your hand along the branches live or dried for an incredible burst of peace and good vibes.


19. Freshen up with mint

Probably the easiest plant to grow, period. Mint grows vertically, with super-fragrant leaves –- just a touch, and you'll be in mint heaven. But it also grows horizontally under the earth, in a way that unfortunately overwhelms garden patches. In a pot indoors, however, it's an instant go-to when you need a bit of aromatic, herby goodness.


20. Grow flavorful lemongrass

A native to Southeast Asia, this herb is used in any number of soups and stews and even made into tea. Lemongrass has stalks of bushy, bright green leaves and its fragrance, reminiscent of lemon and ginger that will freshen the kitchen, bathroom, or bedroom.


21. Enjoy cultivating eucalyptus

Technically an evergreen from Australia, eucalyptus has a fresh, piney smell similar to rosemary. Its aroma soothes congestion in a non-invasive way, like menthol, but more subtle. Hang dried branches in the shower, allowing the hot water to blast the leaves, releasing their unique, healthful properties to enhance a daily routine.


22. Plant healing aloe vera

The grayish-green spines of the aloe form a succulent-like rosette that is a lovely addition to an herb pot. Keep this plant on hand to help heal and soothe skin abrasions, burns, and cuts just by clipping off a piece and applying the gel inside onto the injury. Keep a pot in the kitchen or bathroom.


23. Cultivate calming chamomile

A single plant of this versatile herb looks like a field of daisies. Tea made from dried leaves is said to relax and soothe. A sachet of dried leaves is also calming. Use the tiny yellow and white flowers yellow in salads, but be aware the leaves can be bitter. Add potted chamomile to your kitchen garden.


24. Dry herbs for decorating

When your herbs need a trim, bundle the clippings using a rubber band (stems shrink as they dry). Add a bit of twine or ribbon, and hang them from kitchen or laundry pegs. You can also make a decorative swag for your wall or door. The fragrance will last for weeks as the herb bundles dry.


25. Dry herbs for eating

Dry herbs for cooking by letting them hang from their stems, protected by a paper bag to preserve color and flavor. Place in a cool, dry, well-ventilated area. Once dried, crumble the leaves and soft stems into bottles or jars. Store all herbs and spices –- home-grown or purchased — away from light and heat.


