How To Attract Bees To Your Garden

Attracting bees to your garden is not only beneficial for your plants but also for the bee population itself, according to Brightly. Bees are unfortunately an endangered species due to various reasons: chemicals sprayed on plants, extreme weather patterns caused by climate change, invasive species, and more. If bees do become extinct, this can be detrimental to all species on Earth, as survival greatly depends on a bee's ability to pollinate plants needed for a healthy ecosystem.

If you're able to successfully attract bees to your garden, they will then bring over nutrients and increase your amount of flowers and plants, according to Blair's Farm and Fleet. Summer Winds Nursery says that if you're able to attract a colony of bees, not only will your garden benefit but so will several other gardens in your area, as a single colony can pollinate 300 million flowers a day. As a result, the natural habitat around you will thrive and provide a healthy space for different types of animals.

Creating a bee friendly environment

In order to attract bees to your garden, grow more plants. Blair's Farm and Fleet says that bees enjoy rosemary, wild geranium, poppies, clovers, beebalm, oregano, and more. Not only will these plants help your garden, but it will also help maintain a healthy hive nearby. Another tactic is ensuring that your local bees stay hydrated. A birdbath, garden pond, or other water sources appropriate for a garden will do the trick. Keep in mind that bees need a place to sit, so laying down stones can possibly guarantee their confidence to make a stop in your garden.

The Home Depot also advises gardeners to integrate a bee box into their garden. For stray bees without a hive to call home, they will appreciate a place to stay. The types of bees that typically reside in a bee box are mason bees, which can be beneficial for those who have fruit trees.