The Best Indoor Plants To Keep In Your Bathroom

Do you realize the total amount of time spent in the bathroom will exceed 800 days of your lifetime? (via Infographics). Therefore, creating and maintaining the best bathroom environment will improve the quality of your life and beautify your home at the same time. A creative and practical choice to enhance your restroom is to adorn it with plants. You can even mix and match them to correspond to the room's colors, Kohler recommends.

A typical bathroom's indirect or low light and high humidity are perfect conditions for certain plants. However, if the available light is too low even for bathroom flora, try using a grow light. Temporarily placing them in a brighter part of the house and then returning plants to the bathroom is another suggestion. Air plants do well in a bathroom; for instance, a Boston fern needs only a shower's steam to live, according to What Kills It. Plants accustomed to tropical conditions should thrive there, and many bathroom-appropriate types require minimal attention — a bonus for greenery and humans alike. Those hanging by a thread may do better in the shower room.

Indoor plants provide several health benefits, mental and physical, and bathroom ones are no exception. They improve air quality and can minimize fumes and odors. Many plants moderate moisture and reduce the presence of mold. Whether placed on a window sill, hanging from a shower fixture, sitting next to the tub, or decorating shelves, greenery will improve your bathroom's atmosphere, literally and figuratively.

A plethora of options

A dragon tree is one of the largest bathroom plants you can use in the bathroom, per Tree Hugger, while azaleas and orchids will fill the space with blooms. A flowering anthurium is another popular choice for the lavatory, while a bamboo tree will provide privacy by blocking your neighbors' view. According to Wide Open Eats, you can also efficiently use the small space by having a Chinese evergreen or parlor palm squeezed into it. A bonsai tree is another possibility.

Indoor pollution is actually higher than outdoors, and some plants will lessen it; however, the ASPCA warns many can be toxic to pets. English ivy, well-suited to the bathroom, is an effective mold reducer, per Strutt & Parker. In addition, plants that offset odors are a welcome plus to any space, such as eucalyptus, which has a strong fragrance and respiratory benefits. Dwarf citrus plants will neutralize odors as well.

On the other hand, peace lilies, mother-in-law's tongue (aka snake plant), and corn plants cleanse the air and increase oxygen. Jasmine is a fragrant option that reduces the smell of ammonia; a lady palm does the same, while spider plants are known to eliminate formaldehyde and carbon monoxide (Wide Open Eats).

Aloe vera is another bathroom-worthy plant with health benefits as its leaves produce a substance that counteracts sunburn and insect bites, as per Delish. So, having a verdant, colorful, and healthful bathroom is a plus for your living space and yourself.