The Easiest Way To Make Your Home More Allergy-Friendly

Springtime is known as allergy season, but if you have severe allergies, every season is allergy season. Each year, more than 50 million people endure some sort of allergy in the United States alone, notes the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America. Studies show allergies can also be attributed to chronic illness, such as hay fever, eczema, and food allergies, according to the American College of Allergies, Asthma, and Immunology. Despite what you may think, allergies can occur indoors as well.

Things like pet dander and dust mites contribute to allergic reactions in the home, so if you notice your allergy symptoms acting up, those could be the cause. If you do experience allergies, it's crucial you take the proper precautions to protect yourself from allergic reactions where you can. While you can't control what goes on outside, you do have the power to make your home more allergy-friendly, and we know just how to do it.

Clean your air filter

There's a place in your home you may not consider when allergy-proofing your home . . . your air filter. Stephen K. Denny Inc. explains how a dirty air filter can affect your allergies. If you frequently experience headaches, sinus troubles, or other allergy symptoms, it's worth taking a look at your air filter. As a general rule, Service Experts recommends changing your air filters every month to 12 months, depending on the thickness of your filters and whether or not there are pets or allergies in your household. If you do have pets in your home, you should be changing your filters more frequently. 

According to Better Homes & Gardens, you should be cleaning your air filter frequently. To keep your home allergy-friendly, aim for once a month; however, if you're experiencing allergy symptoms more than normal, feel free to clean your filter more often. Cleaning your filter is as simple as a quick vacuuming with your hose attachment, The Home Depot states.

Signs it's time to clean your filter

When you aren't regularly cleaning or changing your air filter, you can't expect it to . . . well, filter the air. If you have pets in your household, be on the constant lookout for excessive shedding. The more your pet sheds, the more dander they release; therefore, you can anticipate frequent allergy symptoms, Austin American-Statesmen explains. The dander from your pet hair gets trapped in your air filter, which prevents the air filter from doing its job. This is why cleaning and changing your air filter is so important.

The most common sign that it's time to clean or change your filter is occurring and severe allergy symptoms. As we mentioned earlier, if you begin to experience typical allergy symptoms, such as eye irritation, runny nose, or asthma attacks, take a moment to look at your air filter and see if it's time for a cleaning. This is for your protection and the safety of everyone in your home.