The Most Important Place To Use A Vacuum That You're Probably Missing

Alongside pollen and pet dander, indoor dust is another common allergen that can leave sufferers struggling with constant sneezing, itchy eyes, and even eczema and respiratory issues in more severe cases. Thankfully, vacuuming is one of the best ways to defeat the dust and leave your home looking clean and pristine — but it's likely you're missing key areas where it's hiding in favor of focusing on your floors and places that can be easily seen.

But before you tackle the dust mites you've been missing, make sure your vacuum is well and truly up to the task. According to Achoo! Blog, this means looking for a model with a HEPA filter, as this enables the vacuum to pick up even the most minute dust particles without then releasing them back into the air you breathe.

Once you've ensured you're equipped with a vacuum that has actually been designed to completely trap dust particles — rather than just stir them up in the air — you're ready to blitz the bedroom.

Get those dust mites out of your mattress

Primarily made up of dead skin cells, bacteria, and fabric fibers, it shouldn't be all that surprising that dust can generally be found on top of and inside mattresses. Plus, the hot and humid conditions of your cozy bed make the perfect place for dust mites to both feast and breed — which isn't ideal, considering both their body parts and feces are allergens. So if you're an allergy sufferer who finds their symptoms worse at night, then that might, unfortunately, explain it.

But thankfully, by simply adding your mattress to your vacuuming list, it's possible to ditch the dust and stop your bed from becoming a breeding ground for mites. The professionals at The Maids recommend making vacuuming your mattress a seasonal thing. You could do it more often if your allergies are worse than normal. For a truly thorough clean, they suggest firstly going over both sides with the vacuum's upholstery attachment before using a crevice attachment to tackle any muck that might have collected in the seams.