Frances Dean

Photo of Frances Dean
New York, New York
Columbia University
DIY, Home Decor, Gardening
  • Frances is passionate about home decor and is always scouring social media for new and trending ideas to try.
  • Having lived in New York City for nearly a decade, she has become an expert at organizing and maximizing small spaces.
  • Frances grew up in Tennessee and spent a lot of time gardening and growing fresh fruits and vegetables with her grandmother.


Frances has worked as a professional writer for nearly a decade. After graduation Frances landed her first job in the industry as fashion assistant at Harpers BAZAAR. She previously covered beauty for STYLECASTER, and her writing has appeared in Architectural Digest, BuzzFeed, and others. At Static Media she covers home and garden news.


Frances holds a Bachelor of the Arts from Columbia University in New York City.
House Digest Editorial Policies

House Digest uses a knowledgeable team of editors, writers, and experts to create all our content. We dive deep into the always-evolving conversations surrounding design and home trends, striving to deliver the most current and helpful tips, strengthened by expert takes and tutorials from our talented team.

As we cover many fields of expertise, we make it a priority to ensure every beat remains fresh and comprehensive. Additional information on our editorial process available here.

Stories By Frances Dean