Janelle Alberts

Photo of Janelle Alberts
Cleveland, OH
Iowa State University
Local Tips For Global Impact On Bee Crisis, Indoor Horticulture Effects On Mental Wellness, Perlite
  • Janelle's gardening interest was launched when her neighbors became beekeepers and she pivoted from her public relations writing to publish persuasively that the only good pollinator plants are native ones and when it comes to bees, mulch matters.
  • Janelle's specialty of writing complicated topics into easy-to-read pieces got its start when she was told to draft a UPS mergers and acquisitions press kit with one mandate: not to rile Jimmy Hoffa's son, James, who was then running Teamster contract negotiations with UPS's small package division.
  • Her first book, Honest Answers, was endorsed by acclaimed theological scholar Scot McKnight, who praised its ability to go for candor and get to the heart of why parents are getting a side-eye from their kids that says, "Ah. My parents don't know this religion stuff either."


Janelle has worked as a professional writer for more than two decades. She started as a regional public relations supervisor with Microsoft and has since written freelance features that range from raising women's voices in religious institutions to interviewing retired NFL running back Edgerrin James. Janelle has been a regular contributor to Christianity Today's Gifted for Leadership, RELEVANT magazine, and joined Static Media in 2022 to write pieces that speak to fellow gardening novices in need of the encouragement that even small starts are mighty, because the plants themselves do all the heavy lifting.


Janelle has her bachelor's degree in communication from Iowa State University.
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Stories By Janelle Alberts