Stephanie Bartlett

Photo of Stephanie Bartlett
Royal Horticultural Society, University Of Brighton
Tropical Plant Species, Cacti And Succulents, Medicinal Herbs
  • Stephanie has assisted with hydroponics research.
  • She volunteers for an eco-therapy program in London.
  • She has also contributed to the digitization of the herbarium at Kew Botanical Gardens.


Whilst living in Germany, Stephanie worked as a lab assistant at a hydroponics farm that developed new ways of growing. She has many years of experience cultivating houseplants and works as a senior horticulturist in biophilic design. A lover of words, she has written for U.S., U.K., and German audiences and worked on a translation for an extensive botanical glossary.


Stephanie attained a master's in design from the University of Brighton before retraining with the U.K.'s Royal Horticultural Society.
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Stories By Stephanie Bartlett