This Is How Frequently You Should Change The Water In Your Hot Tub

Sinking into a bubbly, warm hot tub after a long day is a great way to relax, but improper maintenance and cleaning can make your soak more dangerous than zen-like. According to WebMD, hot tubs can contain dangerous bacteria and parasites that can leave you incredibly ill, causing rashes and flu-like symptoms. Making sure your hot tub is clean, properly chlorinated, and routinely drained is the best way to prevent these illnesses and give you peace of mind.

Despite this, many people are at a loss when it comes to maintaining their hot tubs. Just because you add chlorine and cover it doesn't mean that all the germs are gone. Draining and refilling your spa is a necessary step — without it, the water becomes unbalanced and the chlorine stops working, leaving you with a haven for dangerous parasites and bacteria. To learn more about proper maintenance and how often you should be replacing the water in your hot tub, keep reading.

Why is replacing the water necessary?

The main chemical component that keeps pools and hot tubs clean and disinfected is chlorine. This chemical, in small amounts, breaks chemical bonds in bacteria and viruses, killing them (via Lenntech). It's both effective and safe for humans when diluted, so it's a common choice for water disinfection. Adding more chlorine and keeping chemical levels in check is an important step in maintenance, but at a certain point, topping off your water with disinfectants is no longer effective.

Contaminants in water, called total dissolved solids, build up over time and reduce the efficacy of your added chemicals (via Swim University). Adding too much chlorine through repeated maintenance can also cause issues with water clarity and irritate your skin. It takes more leg work than a typical clean, but once the water gets to a certain point, the only way to keep it safe and balanced is to completely drain the water and refill the hot tub.

Clean the empty hot tub

Swim University recommends draining and refilling your hot tub once every 3-4 months, more if you use it frequently. Make sure to clean out your pipes, rinse and treat your filters, and give everything a good wipe-down while everything is empty. From there, refill the tub, add your chemicals, and test your water levels. This is the best way to maintain the system and make sure your hot tub experience is safe and relaxing.

Completely emptying and refilling your hot tub may seem like a hassle, but keeping the water safe and germ-free is worth the extra effort. Having a hot tub at home instead of having to book a romantic getaway is a luxury, but, like all things, it comes at a cost. Hot tubs have developed a reputation for being dirty, but by properly taking care of your spa, you'll be able to enjoy year-round relaxation without any fear of getting sick.