This Trick Is The Key To Decluttering Your Kitchen

Nothing is better than coming home to a clean kitchen — the dishes are put away, the trash is taken out, and the floors are clean and sparkling. That is until you open your drawers, pantries, or cupboards and find the hidden messes and clutter you've been secretly stashing away. We're all guilty of it, but there are much more functional ways to run your kitchen than tucking away your messes for future you.

Having a clean, tidy, clutter-free kitchen is about more than just appearance — it can make you more productive and make your household function better. According to The Rare Welsh Bit, clutter in your kitchen can transfer to your own mental state, causing your thoughts to become as disorganized as your pantries. Having a clutter-free kitchen can help relieve stress and anxiety — no one can stumble onto your junk cabinet if you don't have one in the first place. Decluttering your kitchen may seem like a massive task, but there is a very simple trick that can make the process incredibly easy.

KonMari Method

One of the most popular decluttering methods is the KonMari Method, which can be modified for every room and area of your home. Invented by Marie Kondo and popularized in her best-selling novel, "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up," this method prioritizes intentional organization — learn what you want and need to keep and let go of the rest (via KonMari).

This is why A to Zen Life recommends using the KonMari Method to declutter your kitchen. Looking at a cabinet or pantry full of items can make you dizzy, especially if you're focusing on the massive task of deciphering what you need to get rid of. Instead, you can remove a layer of stress by only focusing on what you need to keep, letting the rest naturally fall to the wayside.

The traditional KonMari Method advises that you declutter your entire home in one go, but the basic tenets can be applied to just your kitchen. To begin, give your kitchen a quick, basic clean – it may be difficult to focus on the task at hand if your floors are sticky or your counters have spaghetti sauce stains.

Keep what you need

The basic philosophy of the KonMari Method is to keep what you need and what sparks joy, letting go of the rest. This makes it an effective method for decluttering your kitchen — kitchens are largely functional but also likely hold sentimental items like mugs, dishes, artwork, etc.

Before you begin, A to Zen Lifestyle recommends getting boxes or trash bags ready for what you intend to throw away, sell, or donate. Next, take everything — yes, everything — out of your cabinets, pantries, and shelves, and place them on either the floor or counter. Start simple by going through your food, weeding out what's expired, what you don't use anymore, etc., and sorting those into keep or discard piles.

Next, it's time to go through more personal items, which are sorted by asking yourself what sparks joy. Start simple with items you can guarantee are staying — a favorite glass, a plate your child painted for you, and so on. This way, you know what that sentimental feeling of joy is. Whatever doesn't spark joy, say goodbye and place it in its appropriate pile. Once everything is sorted, give your now empty cabinets and shelves a good deep clean. Return everything to its proper place. You can use this opportunity to create an organizational system, but that's not necessary. It may take a bit of elbow grease, but the KonMari Method does wonders to help simplify the process of decluttering.