The Best Type Of Stain To Use On Brick

Brick is a durable and high-strength building material, and structures made of this fabric can be seen all over the United States. Brick can also be used as an interior finishing product to give character to a home or apartment, as it exudes artistic style and personality. Many homeowners also opt to bringĀ faux brick veneers in an effort to capture this spirit, even if they can't add true brick to the property.

However, bricks are made of organic material in the same way wooden furniture is, typically created out of clay or some other combination of hardened particle fabrication. They can chip and erode over time, so taking care of your wall is essential for anyone lucky enough to sport this kind of interior statement piece. Some homeowners consider painting this structure to give it a new look and feel, but Brick Imaging reports that stain is a much better option when revitalizing your brick wall.

Paint sits on top of the surface and can smother its breathability and longevity. Alternatively, wood and brick both benefit from the use of stain because this better option seeps into the material's pores and can add vibrancy and renewed life to the surface and depths of the construction in question. Staining is a great option for transforming the look and feel of your brick wall while also providing it with critical moisture and more.

Water-based stain is the best choice for brickwork

Water-based stains are the best option when it comes to maintaining your brick wall. This kind of stain infuses the material with critical moisture that will continue to allow it to shine in your interior space. Similarly, a water-based stain is easy to remove from the surface and can therefore be cleared away from the wall's face in an effort to apply a new coating. This is important because you may want to change the look of your brick wall from time to time.

In the same way that repainting a typical drywall construction requires you to add primer to negate the effects of whatever color was once splashed across the surface, washing bricks adorned with water-based stain is quite a simple task. On the other hand, some homeowners choose to paint their bricks, and this creates a much larger task later down the road when you want to change the color or add a stain to the surface to give it new life.

Paint Sprayer reports that the best way to apply stain to your brick (or any other surface) is with a paint sprayer. Instead of rolling on one or more coats of stain, a sprayer can apply an even coat rapidly, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your home renovation or revitalization project while the tint dries and soaks into the brickwork.

You could paint your bricks, but this changes the aesthetic

It is possible to paint the brick wall in your home, but you shouldn't do this unless you are certain that you'll be happy with the result in the long term. It's also possible to strip away paint from your bricks, but the process is long and arduous and may require the help of a professional to fully complete the task, according to Checkatrade. Painting your brick wall will seal away the interior layers from the air. Pigment covers the fabric's pores and can hide the unique fabrication marks and defects that make these structures so appealing to many people.

This makes staining the better alternative for many homeowners who support brick construction inside their property. However, it should be noted that while painting creates a semi-permanent installation that is hard to remove, staining your brick wall changes the interior nature of the brick itself. A stain will soak into the brickwork and become a part of its fabric more comprehensively.