The Major Appliance Mistake That Will Make Your Kitchen Look Cheap

There are various things that can be overlooked during the kitchen design process and discovered only when it's too late. There might be limited natural light or not enough space. The tables and cabinets might not match or you might have the wrong layout altogether. Issues like these often result in the kitchen looking poorly planned or unbalanced. There is one major mistake, however, that you should look out for when designing your kitchen — and it has to do with your appliances.

Some appliances, like ovens and refrigerators, play a significant role in how a kitchen comes across because they take up the most space. Others are used and seen more often, like coffee machines and air fryers. They can either work for or against the general look you're going for, so their styles need to be chosen well. Even their positioning has implications for feng shui. However, there is one major appliance mistake that will make your kitchen look cheap, and here's how you can avoid it.

Mismatched appliances

Perhaps you gathered various appliances over time without considering how they all looked together, or your appliances were chosen from different sources, like in the case of wedding gifts. Whatever the reason, having appliances that vary widely in their materials, colors, finishes, and styles is a major decor mistake that can make the kitchen look cheap. That being said, your kitchen appliances don't have to match exactly and only need one cohesive theme that runs through the space.

While mismatched appliances can be tastefully done at times, they are typically unplanned, which is why they spoil a kitchen's appearance. They can also overwhelm the space and make it feel chaotic and busy, especially if there are many bold colors and large appliances. A well-designed kitchen is one that feels clean, calm, and spacious, which is one of the reasons why white kitchens are so popular. Be intentional with the colors and materials you're picking and it will go a long way.

How to create a cohesive theme

The theme you choose for your kitchen and your home overall is inspired by how you want to feel and what you want to communicate about yourself. Decoration themes can be based on colors, time periods (vintage or modern), or lifestyles (luxury or minimalistic). When you have a theme, it will guide the type of appliances you select for the space. A rule of thumb when creating a theme is to have one finish for all your appliances. Stainless steel is very common in the kitchen and makes shopping easy.

A cottage-style kitchen can consist of a lot of wood finishes or soft pastel colors, while a Scandinavian-inspired kitchen features light colors and appliances that blend into the background. If you love color and want your kitchen to show some personality, stick to the smaller appliances instead of the bigger ones. A bright-colored espresso machine will probably be more tasteful than a bright-colored fridge, for example. You can also decide on one major statement piece for the kitchen and keep everything else simple.