Can You Plant In A Pot That Doesn't Have Any Drainage Holes?

For all plant lovers out there, we know the disappointment all too well of coming across the most stunning pot only to realize it doesn't have a drainage hole. But before you reluctantly put it back on the shelf and walk away, consider that the pot can still be paired with one of your adored plants with the right approach. Planters without drainage holes are known as cache pots, in other words, ornamental and decorative pots. They don't have drainage holes because their primary purpose is typically to serve interior design and be used in tandem with grow pots. When you bring a plant home from the nursery, and it's in those drab black and green plastic containers but shouldn't be replanted for a while, cache pots will be your best friend.

Drainage holes are essential to a plant's health because their roots need the airflow and ability to release excess moisture, or they become at risk for root rot and disease. So, while grow pots have the necessary drainage when double potting, you still need to take precautions. Furthermore, you can place a plant directly into a cache pot, but your approach should be handled carefully to ensure your plant doesn't suffer. Some great plants to try potting without drainage holes are pothos, spider plants, and snake plants.

Using cache pots effectively

Pots without drainage holes can be effective planters if the proper measures are taken. Pairing a cache pot with a grow pot will ensure your plant gets drainage, but remember that the water still won't have a way to escape. Since allowing the grow pot to sit idly in drained water is harmful, you should always remove the plant from the cache pot for each watering until it can drain and process thoroughly. You can also utilize resources like rocks and charcoal to aid drainage and create barriers between the drained water and the roots. Whether using a grow pot or planting directly into the decorative one, this will work well for avoiding pent-up moisture.

How you choose to use these ornamental displays is entirely at your discretion, but there are some ways to get great results. One thing to remember is that less is always more when it comes to watering. Plants can be given more water if needed, but overwatering is irreversible, and many plants struggle to come back from it. Also, make sure your plants are in a sunny location to help roots absorb water and allow the soil to dry out quicker. Always select the right pot size, as a container that's too big can result in soil staying saturated for too long. Lastly, you could add holes into the pots yourself and make it a fun DIY.