The Best Way To Keep Armadillos Out Of Your Yard And Garden

If you live in an area where armadillos roam freely, these hard-shelled mammals might become a nuisance if they start treating your yard or garden as their personal buffet. It's more than a minor irritation; armadillos can cause significant disruption. Keeping armadillos out of your yard and garden can certainly feel like an uphill battle, but don't despair. With the right combination of strategic planning and thoughtful execution, you can turn the tide in your favor.

Physical barriers, like sturdy fencing, are your most reliable defense, creating a tangible obstacle between the armadillos and your cherished plants. But fencing is not your only option; trapping these critters is also viable. Beyond these strong measures, making your yard unattractive to armadillos can significantly reduce the likelihood of an invasion. It's not just your flowers or vegetables that attract armadillos; they're also notorious for digging up lawns in search of insects and grubs. What might initially seem like a harmless inconvenience can quickly escalate into substantial landscape damage. Their digging can erode the soil, affect grass growth, and even undermine the root systems of your other plants, impacting their health and well-being.

Furthermore, it's crucial to know that armadillos carry certain diseases. Hence, their presence isn't just a threat to your garden's aesthetic and health but potentially to your own well-being and that of your pets. Implement the above-noted strategies diligently, and you'll significantly increase the chances of enjoying a beautiful, armadillo-free yard for years.

Fencing and trapping: the strong and legal measures

Your first line of defense against armadillos is most likely a fence, but not just any ordinary fence will suffice due to the animal's proficient digging nature. The fencing needs to be buried 12 to 18 inches into the ground, and if you're dealing with sandy soil, you'll need to go even deeper. On the flip side, make sure the fence extends at least 3 feet above the ground to counter any ambitions the armadillo may have of scaling it.

Given the armadillo's sharp claws and powerful legs, your fence must be constructed from sturdy materials like metal or thick wood to ensure it holds up against their determined efforts. If fencing off your entire yard seems like too big a project, focus on creating barriers around specific areas you want to protect, such as your flower beds or vegetable gardens. The principles remain the same: the fence must be deep-set, sturdy, and tall enough to dissuade these surprisingly tenacious critters.

Another option at your disposal is trapping. If you choose this route, you can build or purchase a live trap specifically for capturing armadillos. However, being informed about your state's laws concerning trapped wildlife is crucial. Each state has its own set of guidelines that dictate the humane and legal methods for either relocating or disposing of captured armadillos. Ensure you comply with these rules to avoid any legal complications.

Smells, accessibility, and habitat modification

Making your outdoor space a no-go zone for armadillos can be more effective than you might think, and there are several ways to go about it. You can use scent as a deterrent. Armadillos have an aversion to certain smells, with garlic being one of the most effective. To keep these critters at bay, consider planting garlic cloves in strategic areas of your yard. Not only will you have the bonus of homegrown garlic, but you'll also make your outdoor space less appealing to armadillos.

Besides using smell as a repellent, you can make your yard less accommodating to these unwelcome visitors by eliminating what attracts them in the first place. Start by pruning or reducing bushy plants that offer ideal hiding and nesting spots for armadillos. The fewer places they have to take shelter, the less likely it is that they'll choose your yard as their hangout. Additionally, be vigilant about picking up any fallen fruit from trees. Fruit attracts armadillos and other wildlife, and you certainly don't want your yard to become a buffet for the local animal population.

Now, let's talk about a lesser-known but surprisingly effective armadillo deterrent: wood chips. Wood chips present a physical challenge to armadillos; their thick texture makes it difficult for these animals to dig through them. If installing an extensive fence isn't within your current means or you're looking for a less invasive solution, scattering a layer of wood chips over your garden soil can be a simple yet effective measure.