The Common Mistake Leanne Ford Doesn't Want You To Make When Renovating Your Home

What's trending influences all aspects of life these days, including our home décor choices. It's fun to have something new and exciting sprucing up a space, after all. But when it comes to renovating a home, interior designer Leanne Ford suggests creating a space you can really live in rather than simply following trends.

"Think big picture first," she suggests in an Insider interview. "As you are going to do a renovation think, 'What's the vision for the home? How do I want to live here? How do I want to enjoy it?'" That means considering the needs of your family and how you really use each room in your home right now.

Do you need a guest room, or would that space be better used as a kid's playroom or an exercise room? Is a formal dining room necessary, or would a wine bar be a better choice for your style of entertaining? With each room you redo in your house, think about its purpose and how you'll personally use it to make the most of your efforts.

Consider your needs for curating a home you can really live in

As you contemplate what's needed to create truly functional spaces in your home, keep in mind that it's much easier to change out furniture, window treatments, decorative accessories, and even wall colors as your needs shift than to redo aspects like flooring. How you use the rooms in your home may change multiple times over the years, so consider this when thinking about how to utilize your space to your advantage.

Don't be afraid to put furniture in storage for the time being, too. You may have turned your office room into a designated playroom for your young children, for example, but five or 10 years from now, you may decide to turn that space back into an office, a library, or a guest room. Keep in mind how your home can best serve your needs now as well as in the future.