Keep Your Microwave Out Of Sight With This Brilliant Tip From TikTok

There are several possible motivations for concealing your microwave in the kitchen. First, from an aesthetic standpoint, microwaves aren't always the most visually appealing appliances and can detract from the overall beauty of your kitchen when placed prominently on countertops. Additionally, a microwave can occupy valuable counter real estate for those with limited kitchen space, causing an inconvenience. You can free up space for other essential items by tucking it away, which aligns with a growing kitchen design trend that favors a minimalist appearance. Integrating your microwave discreetly is possible by adding it to an existing cabinet. As shown in a video by TikToker @savemycabinets, crafting a built-in microwave cabinet can effectively save space and enhance your kitchen's aesthetic. 

To create your microwave cabinet, you just need to follow a few steps. First, measure and map out the positioning of all cabinet boxes, ensuring to earmark a spot for the microwave cabinet with additional storage below. Kitchen islands often work well for this. Next, select a microwave compatible with the cabinet dimensions. If you're concerned about ventilation, opt for a microwave designed for built-in setups. Afterward, assemble the chosen cabinet, making an outlet at the back for the microwave's cord. Confirm ample venting space for adequate air circulation once the microwave is securely positioned and level inside. Beneath the microwave, incorporate shelves or drawers for extra storage. Finally, add a door to the cabinet, tying into your kitchen's overall design.

Tips for successfully hiding your microwave

Functionality, aesthetics, and safety are crucial when designing your concealed microwave cabinet. Ventilation is of the utmost importance. Since microwaves emit heat and steam, adequate ventilation is necessary to prevent overheating or potential fires. You can do this by maintaining space around the appliance for airflow or installing a vent or fan for enhanced ventilation. The choice of cabinet also plays a significant role. It is essential to select a cabinet that is deep enough for the microwave and sturdy enough to support its weight. Some cabinets may need reinforcement with extra brackets or supports for added stability. Also, make sure the microwave remains accessible, especially if you use it frequently. This includes setting it up at a comfortable height and having a door that opens conveniently.

It's important to recognize potential safety hazards. In addition to inadequate ventilation, a misused or malfunctioning microwave can become a fire hazard. While generally safe, misusage or a damaged microwave can increase radiation exposure risks. Use cookware explicitly meant for microwaves, and make regular cleaning of the microwave inside and out a part of your routine to prevent potential hazards. By keeping these considerations in mind, you can effectively integrate a microwave into your kitchen space, balancing both safety and aesthetics.