The All-Natural Ingredient That'll Bring Shine Back To Your Floors

Whether you have rustic hardwood, contemporary marble, or anything along the same lines, one thing is for certain — cleaning, polishing, and elevating the floors in your home is definitely a hassle! Floors have to deal with everything from muddy shoes, food spills, to pesky paw prints, so it is safe to say that these surfaces need lots of TLC. Traditional store-bought cleaners may seem like the best option for this, but believe it or not, there's an even better alternative, and it's an all-natural solution called glycerin.

Glycerin is utilized in many skincare products for its moisturizing effects and can also double as a very effective cleaning agent, hence why it is often found in soap, dish detergent, and more. With that in mind, it's no wonder that Glycerin is the powerhouse ingredient that you need to keep your floors squeaky clean, shiny, and sparkling brighter than ever. Here's how it works.

How glycerin works

Also known as glycerol, glycerin is an organic compound derived from vegetable oils and animal fats. As previously mentioned, it is found in everything from household cleaning products to skincare and cosmetic products as well. Now, how can one simple ingredient prove so multifunctional? Well, it's because of the bacteriostatic properties found in glycerin. 

According to a publication in Advances in Wound Care (New Rochelle), a plethora of clinical studies have proven that when in high concentrations, glycerin fosters a bacteriostatic environment, which is an environment that prohibits the spread and reproduction of bacteria. So, when applied to your floor tiles, glycerin ultimately sterilizes them and neutralizes any potential bacteria. Similarly, glycerin is also known for its polishing and shining effects, as it is often used to relieve dust and protect varnishes and laminates. 

Tapping into these floor-shining benefits is as simple as can be. Just add two or three tablespoons of glycerin to a bucket of water and mop thoroughly to make your floor look like new.

Glycerine is the all-natural solution for your flooring needs

In this day and age, many people are moving away from store-bought cleaning agents. There's a plethora of considerable reasons for this shift: for starters, the cost of cleaning products is always rising and can lead to a ton of unnecessary spending. Additionally, many have raised concerns about the ethics of mainstream, store-bought cleaning products, and a study published in the International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health found that many common cleaning products are filled with chemicals that can prove detrimental to your health, your house, and the environment. Similarly, the American Lung Association has found that chemicals released from store-bought cleaning agents can contribute to respiratory ailments, allergic reactions, and more. 

So, if you haven't already made the shift, then tossing out your usual store-bought cleaning products and opting for natural alternatives is something that you should consider. Trust us: your wallet, your body, and your home will surely thank you.