What An Unlucky House Number Means, According To Feng Shui

It's hard to deny that some street addresses just have a nice "ring" to them. According to a 2015 survey by the New York Times, homebuyers really do show some strong preferences for certain street names, especially those with unusual names and charming suffixes. Perhaps you're shopping for a new home — or just daydreaming on Zillow — and you've narrowed your browsing down to a few favorite options. Would you move into 1101 Main Street, 209 Country Drive, or 445 Butterfly Circle? For those who are cautious about the feng shui of their home, paying attention to the house numbers rather than the street names could prove to be very important. In fact, the numbers themselves could be features that bring bad feng shui to your home. Some numbers may set your future home up for success, while others may bring misfortune, conflict, or chaos. 

How do you know what kind of energy your street address number will bring? What should you do if you've found a perfect home but you aren't too pleased with its unlucky numerology? Here's how to unlock the secrets behind your address numbers and what you can do to fix them through feng shui.

Numerology in feng shui

The  unlucky numbers in feng shui are 4, 5, and 7. The number 5 can mean "not" or "nothing," and it also sounds like the Chinese word for "crying," so 5 could bring a sense of loss or depression to your household. The number 7, on the other hand, has some mixed meanings. 7 can symbolize deception, lying, or cheating, but it also has some positive connotations, like arising and togetherness. Of all the unlucky numbers in feng shui, 4 is the unluckiest of all. When pronounced in Mandarin, the number 4 sounds very similar to the word for death. Because it is so supertitiously bad, some elevators in China won't even have a button for the fourth floor!

Conversely, the luckier numbers in feng shui are 0, 2, 6, 8, and 9. The number 0 sounds like the Chinese word for "good" and signifies limitless potential and the start of all life. Similarly, 9 symbolizes longevity and eternity, making it a popular number for romance and weddings in China. The number 6 sounds like the Chinese words for "flow" and "good luck," and multiple 6's are considered very good luck in feng shui. The number 2 signifies symmetry, balance, and happy marriage and sounds like the Cantonese word for "easy." In feng shui, 8 is the luckiest number of all – bringing prosperity, abundance, wealth, and success. Finally, 1 and 3 are generally considered neutral and are affected by the context of their surrounding numbers.

Blocking negative number energy

So your house has one or more unlucky numbers, there's no need to rush out and try to change your address. In fact, the solution to unlucky numbers in feng shui is surprisingly simple; all you need to do is create a circular shape around your address numbers. Do this with exterior paint, a custom-made plaque, or even with chalk to create a temporary fix. Be sure to encircle this number wherever possible around your property, from your front porch to your mailbox or your driveway marker. For extra security, you can even do this whenever you write the address down on paper! The round shape around the unlucky numbers will trap negative energy and keep it from spreading into your home. 

If you live in an apartment, don't want to change your number plaque, or can't change your plaque just yet, don't worry. There are plenty of other elements that will impact your home's overall feng shui more than the unlucky numbers. Focus on keeping good feng shui throughout your home, especially in the front porch, entryway, and other "welcoming" zones. Opt for one of the best feng shui front door colors to boost your home's curb appeal and invite positive energy, and if you're selling a home with unlucky address numbers, consider incorporating some lucky numbers into the price tag!