The Iron-Cleaning Hack That Is Already Sitting In Your Kitchen

Irons are truly our best friends when we're trying to look our best. They eliminate every wrinkle and crinkle from shirts, pants, blazers, and other clothing items with stubborn creases. They even help remove water stains from wood. However, like every other home appliance, you should clean your iron a couple of times a year. When you're constantly using the iron, water deposit buildup and sticky stains can reduce its lifespan and ruin your clothes. If you frequently use your iron throughout the week, it's best to clean it once a month or when you notice gunk on it. You don't need any unique cleaning ingredients from the grocery store; everything you need is sitting in your kitchen. We're referring, of course, to baking soda.

Baking soda is a powerful cleaning agent that helps break down the buildup on the iron's base. It's slightly abrasive, so it won't scratch the surface while it's removing the sticky gunk. When you don't clean your iron at least once a year, the iron's plate gets damaged, which could lead to fabric burns and make it necessary to replace the entire iron. Protecting the plate will ensure it continues working and doesn't damage your clothes. Plus, the cleaning process only takes a few minutes. You'll need baking soda, distilled water, a bowl, a cloth, and a spatula. Once you gather your materials, you can start cleaning your iron.

What to do when baking soda isn't enough

The baking soda hack works for mild stains, but if you have tougher stains, using salt to clean your iron could help eliminate them. Mix 2 tablespoons of baking soda with 1 tablespoon of distilled water in a bowl to make a paste. Then, apply the paste to the soleplate and scrub the surface gently. You'll notice the sticky gunk lift. Continue scrubbing until you notice the iron starting to glisten. However, it's vital to keep the baking soda away from the steam vents; you don't want to block them with the paste. You can clean the steam vents by dipping a cotton swab into distilled water and inserting it into the vents. After you're done scrubbing the soleplate, wipe it down with a damp washcloth. You can reapply baking soda to areas that still have sticky residue. Finally, empty the reservoir to remove any excess water.

You can get away with deep cleaning your iron once or twice a year if you keep up with its maintenance. For instance, always use distilled water when ironing your clothes because tap water contains water deposits that can clog the steam vents. When you're done ironing your clothes, empty the water reservoir so it doesn't sit inside the iron for too long and cause buildup. Further, wipe away any water or moisture leaking on the iron's exterior, especially when you fill it with water. Keeping your iron in tip-top shape will prevent you from needing to replace it sooner than you'd like.