TikTok's Genius Solution For Keeping Your Sliding Door Secure Without A Stick

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Many homes have a sliding glass door that opens onto a deck or patio area. The glass provides a clear view of the deck from the inside, making it work well for hosting a gathering. However, it also provides an easy access point for a burglar, who could wiggle a cheaply made slider out of the track. To make matters worse, many of these products have cheap locks installed at the factory on them, which are susceptible to breakdowns. If the lock breaks, you have no way to secure the sliding glass door against burglars. You also can't be certain that your toddler or grandpa (who is prone to wandering) could simply slide it open and walk out.

When the lock no longer works, many people will make use of a stick inside the track of the sliding glass door to block it from opening. This is a cheap and easy fix, but you do have to bend over to try to wrestle the stick out of the track each time you want to open the glass door. The stick solution doesn't look all that great, either, detracting from the overall design.

TikTok user justcoolproductz highlights a different solution that you may prefer, called the Burglabar, which is available on Amazon for about $20 for a four-pack. This product consists of transparent plastic that adheres to the glass door. It has a hinge design that toggles between blocking and opening the slider.

Should you use the Burglabar or fix your sliding glass door lock?

The Burglabar is certainly easy to use. Just use the peel-and-stick base to adhere the hardware to the glass door near the frame. The hinge mechanism folds upward and sticks in place at a 90-degree angle to block the sliding glass door from moving. When you need to open it, though, just move the hinge downward and flat to the glass, which allows you to slide it open easily. Because it is transparent, it shouldn't detract from your view of the deck.

One drawback to using Burglabar is that you must use two pieces of hardware on each glass sliding door. It's also important to note that you cannot remove and reinstall the peel-and-stick base. Once it's loose or should you need to remove it, you'd have to replace it with a new piece. Do not try to use the Burglabar to block the slider for 72 hours after you adhere it to be certain the bond is tight.

Rather than using a Burglabar or a stick, you may prefer to take on the cost of repairing your sliding glass door, which can have an average price of $225. If your unit is due for a complete replacement, understand that the cost of installing a sliding glass door averages $2,750. Certainly, the Burglabar gives you a much less expensive option that you could try to see if it helps you feel better about your home's security.