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What You Should Know Before Buying A Hover Lawn Mower

Go into any home and garden store and you're bound to find a variety of lawn mower types. Being spoiled for choice is always a good thing, but it may make you wonder which type of mower is right for your lawn. One of the many options is the hover mower, a mower that seems like it's straight from a science fiction film. Lawn expert and former master greenkeeper, Geoff Coggan, spoke exclusively to House Digest about hover mowers and what you should know before buying one. 

Hover mowers were designed in 1964 with hovercraft technology in mind. The design consists of blades that shoot streams of air toward the ground, thus allowing the mower to hover in the air, and was first widely produced by the brand FlyMo. Before Coggan began his career as a golf course superintendent, he sold FlyMo hover mowers in a local hardware store. So, he has seen the technology from its earliest days and watched it evolve with modern advancements. 

He shared the pros and cons of the design and who it might benefit the most. It's great for small areas and uneven terrain but could be tiring to use on large lawns. There is also a safety concern when pulling the mower backward due to its exposed blades. 

Is a hover mower right for you?

According to Geoff Coggan, the hover mower is best suited for smaller lawns with hills. He says, "[Hover mowers] are great for slopes, uneven ground, and anything with a sharp angle." Traditional gas-powered mowers are heavier and have wheels, so they're harder to control on hills and require more physical effort to operate. If pushing a traditional mower around the plants on your sloped lawn is challenging, a hover mower could be perfect for you. 

While other mowers may feel clunky when turning tight corners, the air propelled hover mower is much simpler to operate, especially in smaller areas. That's something Coggan was sure to point out during his exclusive interview with House Digest, saying that smaller "yards require less maintenance and the mowers are easy to maneuver in tight spaces." So a hover mower is going to save you time when mowing a small lawn. Furthermore, Coggan suggests newer models with chargeable batteries for the simplest mowing experience. 

The downsides of a hover mower

While the hover mower will make mowing easier for some, it's less than ideal for others. Geoff Coggan strongly advised against using this type of mower on a large lawn. Instead, he suggests a rideable model for ease of use. Though hover designs are easier to push than gas-powered models, they'll still require physical labor. A large yard means more walking, pushing, and effort, and the best riding lawn mowers can easily tackle expansive areas and will save you time and energy. 

When discussing the cons of hover mowers in his exclusive interview with House Digest, Coggan raised a safety concern. Though they're well-suited for sloped lawns, the mowers can prove dangerous on a flat lawn. Coggan cited injuries from pulling the mower backward. The blades are exposed and when a user pulls the mower towards them, they can cause direct injury to their foot or ankle. This injury is avoidable if the user remembers not to back up with the mower. However, for those who like to zone out when mowing, it's best to leave the hover mower at the store.