Resolve Your Cluttered Closet Chaos With A Simple Number Trick

So you've determined that it's finally time to declutter and organize your clothes closet, but as you already know, this is a task that is easier said than done. Decluttering your closet can be incredibly overwhelming, especially if you aren't sure where to get started. Much of the advice you'll find online is to take everything out of the closet, then sort it into piles to keep, donate, or trash. Or, maybe you've heard that you should try Marie Kondo's KonMari organizing method and only keep what sparks joy. These can be helpful tips for some folks, but for many, seeing all of their closet's contents strewn about makes it impossible to get started. Worse yet, you may get started but lose energy halfway through and then have to live amongst your messy room until you bring yourself to declutter again. If you struggle to declutter, simply turn it into a bit of a game of luck with numbers. Pick a number, any number, each day and make that the goal for the number of items you'll remove from your closet.


This is one of the best ways to organize all different kinds of clothing, as it makes it easy to get over the hump and take a more reasonable bite out of your decluttering list. To choose the number of items to get rid of each day, you can roll a die, use a number generator, or ask a friend to pick a number between 1 and 10. Here's how to use this trick until your closet is totally refreshed. 

This closet organizing game is fun and easy

Before you pick a number, try to determine what you're aiming to do that day. For instance, do you want to find the items you'd like to keep but have been procrastinating getting tailored? Then that's the category you're going to roll, pick, or choose a number for. Other categories can be clothes that have holes or busted seams in them that need to go in the trash, clothes you want to donate or list online for resale, shoes that hurt your feet, garments that don't fit anymore, and so on. 


When it comes to the number range, of course you can go as low or high as you want, but to prevent getting overwhelmed, try to keep the range somewhat limited — whether that's 1 to 10 or 10 to 20 is up to you. If you repeat this process for a few days or even once a week for a few months, you'll gradually be able to have the wonderful clutter-free closet of your dreams. 

To keep your closet organized over the long term using this method, try to play another round whenever you buy something new. Buy a new sweater? Pick a number. Add a few new necklaces to the collection? Pick a number. You can also repurpose household items for extra closet storage and organization for another budget-friendly solution that will help you manage your closet over time. 


