The One Place In Your Home You Never Want To Put A TV

When it comes to your home, everything should have its place, from your kitchen where you prepare your daily meals to your bathroom where you get ready for a night out on the town. And when it comes to your TV, where you decide to place it could actually impact your entire day. In fact, there are specific spaces in a home where you may not want to have a TV at all.


People are more distracted with endless connections to media than ever before — this includes smartphones, iPads, and of course, your TV as you binge-watch your favorite shows. According to the 2020 Nielsen Total Audience Report, Americans watch quite a few hours of TV each day. In fact, adults over 18 watch about four hours per day, according to the report. People tend to have multiple TVs in their homes, too. The U.S. Energy Information Administration's 2015 Residential Energy Consumption Survey (RECS) found that most Americans had 2.3 TVs at home, with 39% of them having more than three.

What's more, found that around 60% of Americans watch TV right before they hit the sack. Not only does it matter where you put a TV in your home, but when you watch TV can negatively impact your mental health, quality of life, and productivity. Placement truly does make a difference! Read on to find the one place in your home that you never want to put a television.


Never put a TV in this room

Putting a TV in your bedroom can negatively impact a lot of things, including quality of sleep and relationships. Dr. Dev Banerjee, a sleep specialist at Integrated Sleep Health, said to HuffPost Australia, "It amazes me what people have in their bedrooms. They have their TV in there, their laptop, their iPad and Xbox ... meaning the brain is obviously thinking this is a place of high activity." Dr. Banerjee noted that too much mental stimulation can baffle the brain. "The bedroom should be for sleep, and therefore should be a [cozy] sort of place, removed from all the hullabaloo of the day. Because our lives are so busy, with so much stuff going on, you want to have a timeout zone," Dr. Banerjee said.


The Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine noted that binge-watching shows in your bedroom could lead to insomnia. In addition, Brides pointed out that having a TV in the bedroom can result in less intimacy with your partner. Relationship expert Emily Morse, Ph.D. expanded on this topic. In an interview with Women's Health, Morse said, "Many couples with televisions in their bedroom use it as a distraction from connecting and to avoid intimacy." But, thankfully, that isn't always the case. Morse went on to explain that a TV in the bedroom could work if couples are "setting date nights around their favorite TV shows." All things considered, we suggest cozying up and streaming from the living room couch instead!


