The One Landscaping Mistake That Really Decreases The Value Of Your Home

The saying goes, "Never judge a book by its cover." But if you're trying to sell your home — or you're trying to find a new home — curb appeal is everything. After all, it's the first impression that your home projects to potential buyers, and you want it to be amazing. It's important for your home to look inviting, from the house color, to the front door, to the yard. It's not just the lawn, but the look of your property and how it complements your home matters. As a matter of fact, Bob Vila stated that a good landscape design can increase the value of your home by 20%. So keep that figure in mind as you evaluate your property and any projects you may want to plan to do yourself or to have done in the future. Even if the interior of your home is chock-full of desirable amenities, some buyers might not even give the inside a glance if the outside looks bad. Once again, the view of your home truly is your book's cover and needs to reflect a spectacular story.

Landscaping designs can vary greatly based on personal taste, climate conditions, budgetary constraints, and even the type of soil unique to your property. However, experts agree that there's one landscaping mistake that really decreases the value of your home, and it might not be what you'd expect. Another saying goes, "You don't get a second chance to make a great first impression," so listen up.

The greatest landscaping sin is no landscaping at all

What's the absolute worst thing you can do to your landscaping? It's actually not a yard full of plastic flamingos or a crazy gnome collection. (However, it's probably a good idea to exercise some restraint with both of these things.) The worst thing you can do is no landscaping at all. Where's the proof? According to LawnStarter, consider this scenario: If you spend $268 on a lawn service, that value of your home will increase by $1,200. That comes out to a 352% return on investment (ROI). Ignoring your lawn translates to lost money on your home investment.

If you want to improve your home's curb appeal, but aren't sure where to start, Apartment Therapy suggested to consider your home's architectural style. If you live in a Victorian, choose a mix of classic, elegant perennials and well-manicured shrubs for your flowerbeds. Select colors that blend well with the color of your home. Regardless of what plants or design you choose, make sure it's something you can maintain. No matter how beautiful your yard is, it can quickly look overgrown if you don't care for it.

Even if you don't have much experience in the garden, there are plenty of easy plants that will look spectacular without requiring hours of special attention. Whatever plan you decide to do, you'll see a great return in the value of your home if you simply devote a little TLC to your landscaping and lawn care.