This Is The Best Time Of Year To List Your House

The other day we explained why it's harder to buy a home this year, and we are aware that some of you home sellers may be inspired by that post to list your home up for sale. But is now really a great time to sell your home? Well, yes, and for a lot of reasons. However, as The Advisory puts it, different properties sell best at different periods of the year. They analyzed why bungalows and retirement homes sell best in June to September, one- to two-bedroom residences sell best in January, February, and September, and three- to four-bedroom family houses are best listed outside of school holidays.

Now, contrary to letting an established static calendar –– such as the one discussed above –– guide your home sale listing schedule, real estate advisors on Martha Stewart said you should instead get clarity on who the potential buyer is, and assess your readiness to sell the house. They also encouraged sellers not to be afraid of selling their properties during the off-season.

Here at House Digest, we urge you to use all of the practical knowledge available to you to your own advantage. Additionally, in the next section, we will give you an analytical report of the best time of the year to list your house for sale.

Mark these dates on your calendar

According to a report from Zillow, house inventories plunged even further below an all-time low while home value skyrocketed by 17.7%. They further predicted that the annual growth rate of home value peaked at 20% in February of 2022. Shedding light on the future, MarketWatch predicted that this growth is more likely to be at its 2022 peak in March and April, but may drop down towards December. Judging by this data, we at House Digest strongly believe the best months to list your home this year are March and April.

But beyond the surface of predictions from these reliable sources, let's take a peek at what experts advise about listing your property this year. In an interview published on Realtor, economist Danielle Hale said that homes listed in mid-April are more likely to draw a higher buyer interest. However, she emphasized that waiting for this period to list your home may put you in competition with a lot of other sellers who are also targeting this period. The result of this would be difficulty in beating the competition to sell your property at a valuable price.