Why You Should Use Vodka To Refresh Your Mattress

When it comes to mattresses, most of us don't clean them often enough considering how much use they get. If you stop to think about it, though, mattresses are a breeding ground for smelly bacteria. They can accumulate a lot every night, from sweat to dead skin cells. According to WebMD, these conditions can lead to your mattress becoming home to millions of dust mites and hoards of bacteria. You should aim to clean it twice a year, WebMD instructs, but if you're a particularly sweaty sleeper, you may want to do it more often to avoid set-in sweat stains. Luckily, it's not too hard to keep your mattress clean.

The key to one effective cleaning method might just be collecting dust on the back of your bar cart. With its high alcohol content and deodorizing properties, vodka can do wonders for your neglected mattress. Read on to find out how.

Vodka deodorizes and disinfects

According to fashion stylist Christie Moeller, the deodorizing power of vodka makes it a staple in the theater costuming world – the alcohol kills bacteria, and as it evaporates so do unsavory smells. To harness this cleaning trick on your mattress, Today recommends filling a spray bottle with cheap vodka and lightly spraying directly onto your mattress. Be sure to let the mattress air dry completely before remaking your bed — in fact, this is the perfect time to change out those sheets! If your linen closet has left your spare set smelling a little drab, you can also spritz those with some vodka and a few drops of essential oil for added scent-boosting power (via Today).

Does this easy cleaning hack make you feel like you're on a roll? If so, take that vodka-filled spray bottle into your bathroom to fight mildew, skip laundry day, or even get rid of carpet stains. After all of that, you can use that vodka to reward yourself with a refreshing cocktail — if you have any left, that is.