Rachel Craft

Photo of Rachel Craft
Boulder, Colorado
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio
Gardening, Thrifted Decor, Sustainable Living
  • Rachel has been a gardener of all trades for the last decade, working with everything from fruits and vegetables to bonsai and air plants.
  • Having learned the challenges of gardening in the desert, she's in the process of building a drought-tolerant xeriscape in her backyard.
  • She is a proud mom to two dogs, ten saltwater fish, and several dozen houseplants.


Since leaving her engineering job in 2022 to pursue her love of writing, Rachel has written for a variety of magazines and blogs. Her articles on lifestyle, home, and travel topics have appeared in places like Going, ROVA, Apartment Advisor, and Times of the Islands. Rachel is also a professional writer of children's and teen fiction; her stories are often inspired by her love of plants and the outdoors.


Rachel has a bachelor's degree in materials science and engineering from Case Western Reserve University, where she minored in English. She has also worked as a reporter, copy editor, and eventually EIC of her school's newspaper, The Observer.
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Stories By Rachel Craft