Alia Hoyt

Photo of Alia Hoyt
Atlanta, GA
University Of Georgia
Flower And Vegetable Gardening, Household Organization, Laundry, Cleaning, And Other Household Hacks
  • A longtime homeowner with quite the green thumb, Alia loves finding new and innovative ways to make her home prettier, cleaner, and more functional.
  • She has never met an organizing tool that she doesn't like.
  • Due to an array of skin sensitivities, she is always looking for gentler methods to clean her family's clothes and surfaces around her home.


Alia has been working as a remote freelance writer since way before it was fashionable to skip out on the office setting. A lifelong creative type, she has found great joy and professional fulfillment during her nearly 20-year career writing for sites like HowStuffWorks, Rent., TLC, and many more. She loves to tackle everyday topics that people struggle with or are interested in. Since home is where the heart is, she is especially interested in stories involving household hacks, gardening, cleaning, etc.


Alia is a proud graduate of the prestigious Grady College of Journalism & Mass Communication at the University of Georgia. There, she earned a bachelor of arts degree in journalism, majoring in public relations.
House Digest Editorial Policies

House Digest uses a knowledgeable team of editors, writers, and experts to create all our content. We dive deep into the always-evolving conversations surrounding design and home trends, striving to deliver the most current and helpful tips, strengthened by expert takes and tutorials from our talented team.

As we cover many fields of expertise, we make it a priority to ensure every beat remains fresh and comprehensive. Additional information on our editorial process available here.

Stories By Alia Hoyt