Kristina Steele

Photo of Kristina Steele
University Of South Florida
DIY Projects, Interior Design And Décor, Lifestyle Health And Wellness
  • Kristina writes features about home décor, design, and lifestyle.
  • She is always completing simple home styling DIY projects for her space that are functional and affordable.
  • Kristina is full of home décor inspiration and lifestyle tips that she shares on her blog. She brings her affinity for home décor to House Digest.


Kristina has written passionately for over 10 years. She began writing for newspapers and transitioned to blogging and content creation. Her expertise is in home design and lifestyle wellness. She merged her passions for home décor and writing into one and shares her inspirations not only via blogging but also in feature writing for various publications and websites.


Kristina graduated from the University of South Florida in 2010 with a bachelor's degree in Mass Communications. She became an elementary educator and continued writing as a hobby until she prioritized her passions, making writing a fulltime focus.
House Digest Editorial Policies

House Digest uses a knowledgeable team of editors, writers, and experts to create all our content. We dive deep into the always-evolving conversations surrounding design and home trends, striving to deliver the most current and helpful tips, strengthened by expert takes and tutorials from our talented team.

As we cover many fields of expertise, we make it a priority to ensure every beat remains fresh and comprehensive. Additional information on our editorial process available here.

Stories By Kristina Steele